Inappropriate Wedding Songs: Tim Hawkins (Video)

Yes, it is the season of love and the time for weddings. With all the many details that have to go into this process, I want to help you assure that picking out the perfect song isn’t one of them. Because of this, I want you to join Tim Hawkins in picking out what songs NOT to include in your wedding.

If you liked that, check out some more from Tim Hawkins…

Take time today to laugh!

Bieber – Minaj + Cool Instruments = A Great Video

OK. We all love Justin Bieber… right?

Yeah, probably not. I know that there are as many haters out there as there are teenie boppers with Bieber wall paper plastered all over their rooms. But this song, “Beauty and the Beat” just gets stuck in your head and it won’t leave. I came across the perfect rendition today and you got to check it out. Sweet instruments, great vocals and no dirty Minaj lyrics. Enjoy!

Show them some love by suscribing on YouTube:

Kurt’s Channel

Chrissy’s Channel

Alex’s Channel

I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day and feel free to share any links to cool covers in the comment section.



A Dying Teen Lives Life to the Fullest… Will you? (video)

Every now and then you watch a video that puts it all back into perspective. This is your moment to get out of yourself. Don’t miss this opportunity to be touched. Watch this video…

Wasn’t it worth it?!?!?

Now wipe the tears from your eyes and start living the life that God’s given you!


Zach’s family has requested that anyone who is interested in helping change the fate for future children like Zach donate to the research fund set up on his behalf

UPDATE: You can also buy his album here, with the proceeds going to the research fund. 

Top 5 RV Books to Buy and Learn From

OK, there’s a million different books out there to choose from when it comes to RVing. Which one is best for you? Well, you can do what I did and buy every one that pops up on your Amazon search. Or, just pick these 5 and  save yourself a ton of time and energy. I hope they help you as much as they helped us!

RV Book #5: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to RVing 3rd Edition

If you are anything like I was, you are a Complete Idiot when it comes to RVing. I didn’t know anything about it and welcomed a book that pulled no punches and took it from the most basic level. This book is the updated 2012 version and is as practical as it is relevant. Well worth the investment.

Buy it here.

RV Book #4:  The RVer’s Bible: Everything You Need to Know about Choosing, Using and Enjoying Your RV

This was a great book that helped me all the way through the process. It was in this book that I learned the differences between a Class A, B and C RV and the difference between a motorhome and a motorcoach. (If you don’t know, I won’t spoil it for you. I’ll simply let the suspense build). There is even a section for someone with physical challenges and how to work through those in your RV. Good Book!

Buy it here.

RV Book #3: The Complete Book of Boondock RVing: Camping off the Beaten Path

This is definately a niche book… but an AWESOME way to live. If you don’t know what “Boondock” means without the word “Saints” behind it, then let me tell you that it means living in the middle of nowhere. No plugs. No sewage. No nothing, except you and the awesomeness of nature surrounding you. If you are in to that thing, let your Henry David Thoreau come out and nestle next to Walden Pond. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, get the book for free from Kindle and get ready to hear a ton of words!)

Buy it here.

RV Book #2: How to Live in a Car, Van or RV – And Get Out of Debt, Travel and Find True Freedom

I added this one for two simple reasons. First, I wanted to do a shameless plug of wanting to live “in a van down by the river” (RIP Chris Farley). The second reason is more about you than me. The book is currently only $2.99 through Kindle and a great way to dive in for cheap. So, if you want to get started learning today and didn’t want to wait for the postman, pick this book up. It’s a little over 100 pages and an easy read.

Buy it here. 

RV Book #1: Adventure’s on America’s Public Lands

One of the most overlooked gems is the beauty and inexpensiveness of RVing on America’s Public Lands. There are places all over this country where you can RV for free to very low prices in comparison to the big RV parks across the country. This book spans over 27 states and has full color photos. I thoroughly enjoyed this one, and I bet you will too!

Buy it here. 

I hope that helps. If you know of another great resource, link to it below. I’d love to check out some new books and sites as I continue to learn about the joys and beauties of RVing.

Happy Trails!


“Dad is Fat” Book: Jim Gaffigan, 5 Kids and Truth

I just finished reading Jim Gaffigan’s new book called “Dad is Fat”. Two words… “Hilarious” and “Hot Pocket”. OK ~ That WAS three words, but who’s counting… other than you!

My recommendation… don’t even wait for my thoughts… Buy it now here -> “Dad is Fat”

This book is oh so funny and oh so true. Jim Gaffigan shares with us life with his five kids… YES! FIVE KIDS… in New York City. Everything from walking the streets with the kids to walking up five flights of stairs to his 2 bedroom apartment to walking to the… Yes, he talks a lot about walking… and eating… and cake.

If you like Jim Gaffigan, you’ll LOVE the book. If you  don’t like him, you won’t like the book. Take a gamble and go for it. I don’t think you’ll regret it.



Personally, I didn’t read this book, but listened to it through Audible. If you dig audiobooks, Audible allows us to hear Jim Gaffigan read it himself. It added a “stand up” feel to the book and made it even better.

Gassing Up the RV: Good Sites to Help with the Cost

We all know that gas is getting more and more expensive each and every day. When you are driving a vehicle that gets 5-10 miles to the gallon, it is downright painful!

This is what I’ve recently found out as I watched the gas gauge go down every time I pushed down the gas pedal of my RV. The great news is that there are some amazing resources available for you. Check these sites out to help with the cost. I absolutely LOVE this site. I use it to factor out my entire trip. I can put my starting location, all the stops and then the return trip and it will tell me the cost of the entire trip cost. It is a great site and well worth your time. After my first try pulling into a regular gas station, I knew that there was NO WAY that my 36′ unit and towed car was going to fit. From that moment on, I decided to only use truck stops. With this site, I was easily able to find all the truck stops on my journey. Plan ahead and you’ll be a lot happier with your trip. Well, if you can’t beat them, you might as well understand fuel economy better. The government has a site for you that has everything from fuel economy tips to side by side comparisons. Worth your time if you have some time to waste. If you’re driving an RV… it ain’t going to be good!


Happy Trails!


My First Paragliding Trip (video and pics)

So, my buddy Roy invited me to go “paragliding” with him. You have to know that I had NO IDEA what paragliding even was… but I said YES! It sounded like fun. In my mind I figured that I would be taken up in a glider plane with a pilot and then slowly come down to the ground. This is not true. This is not paragliding…. not even a little bit.

There’s no plane you’re in, it’s a parachute.

There’s no plane taking you up, it’s a truck with a big cable hanging off it.

It’s no joke… it’s pretty stinking serious and amazingly awesome.

In a very short amount of time I went from standing on the ground to over 4,000 feet in the air. It looked a little something like this (actual footage from the day of the flight):

It is a lot of fun and incredibly beautiful. The desert is always beautiful to me, but grows in beauty with every foot that I rise. The ascent is quick and majestic, but the descent was my favorite. It looked a little like this (actual footage from the day of the flight):

What did I take from it? I AM SO GLAD THAT I DID THIS! 

Listen guys, you only live once. Don’t miss opportunities that present themselves. Don’t live in regret. Keep striving and trying new things. You will never say… I did too much. You won’t say… I am sorry that I attempted to do great things. You will say, “YES! Life is great and I have some amazing stories to share!”

Here’s a few more shots from the day paragliding and if you are in the Phoenix area and want to try this for yourselves, check out

Preparing for my first paraglider ride

Preparing for my first paraglider ride

Paragliding 3

Taking off with a paraglider

Up, Up and Away!

Up, Up and Away!

Paragliding 4

Me and my paragliding buddy Roy!

If you try it out, let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear some feedback. Be inspired and keep shining!


My First Time at Lake Jennings, California (pics)

Many of you know that I am a BIG FAN of San Diego, California. I absolutely love it. Every chance I get… I plan the six hour drive from my home in Arizona to Southern Cal. Well, in my mind, there was no better place to take my first ever RV trip. But, for this trip we decided to stay in a place called Lake Jennings which is about 25 miles outside of San Diego.

Check out the website here -> site.

I got to tell you that I am very happy with this place! It is beautiful and quiet and clean. Check out a couple pictures that I took today…

Lake Jennings 1

A Tree Growing in the Lake  

Lake Jennings, California

Lake Jennings, California

The camp is really great. If you are looking at visiting the San Diego area and don’t mind a 25 minute drive to the beach, this place is perfect. We hiked a few miles today and saw a ton of cool stuff. Clouds filled the skies and the weather was perfect for hiking.

Lake Jennings 6

The Boys on our Hike Today

After some hiking, we decided it was time to drive to the beach. Unfortunately, the rains came hard today and we had to postpone our walk by the beach. Instead we drove to Coronado Island where we saw the Navy base, bought a hazelnut latte and then headed back to Mission Beach. WHY? Pizza of course!

If you have never been to a “Luigi’s at the Beach“, YOU HAVE TO GO! Why? Supersized Pizza of course! They are the home of the 30″ pizza and where we ate our lunch. In fact, we took a picture of Grandma Amy having her first encounter with the 30” pizza. Check it out…

Lake Jennings 4

Grandma Amy at Luigi’s

After pizza the clouds parted and the sunshine showed its beautiful face. This meant that we now had the opportunity to walk the boardwalk. We dodged the puddles and lapped up the salty air… stopping for a great family photo…

Lake Jennings 5

The Hintz Family at Mission Beach

Overall, it’s been a great time! Tomorrow we hop aboard the beast (AKA: The RV). We will be traveling back over “Hell’s Canyon” which means going from Sea Level to 4,000 ft above Sea Level at a top speed of 30 MPH. This should be fun!

Please pray for safe travels and we’ll see you again soon!