I’m a Crappy Friend… Until Now

They say that the first step of true lasting change begins the day when you accept the facts of your life to be true. The one fact that I have had trouble admitting until now is simply this…

I am a crappy friend. 

I don’t aspire to be this, but it’s true.

Maybe it’s the four kids I’m trying to raise or the wife I try to continuously date or the plethora of job responsibilities that I have, but my excuse is that I am just TOO STINKING BUSY to be a good friend.

I don’t send random cards or call you for no reason. There is always a reason and if you get a card… it’s probably because my wife made me write it. 

But… all this is going to change… today.

I am learning that friendships are important and they are hard work. If I don’t try, than I will be missing out on one of the greatest gifts given to mankind. 


The face to face… The loving touch… The call just to say HI… The sincere comment of “I’ve been thinking of you” or “praying for you” or “I’m glad you’re not dead”. All of these statements are signs of a good friend.

I heard a story the other day about a guy who sat dead in his house for a month and a half before anyone even knew he was dead. No one even noticed. And, if it wasn’t for a hot summer and no air conditioner, he might still be nestled in a Lazy Boy watching reruns of All in the Family. That could easily be me… Archie Bunker and a TV remote…  That is if I don’t choose to change. 

We ALL have a choice of how we are going to live.

So, I choose to be a better friend.

  • I will call someone today for no other reason but to say “Hi! How have you been?”
  • I will sit down with someone new this week for a coffee or tea.
  • I will answer the phone when I don’t feel like talking.
  • I will look for opportunities every day to be kind and stay present.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. And, just maybe, I will make a new friend or two along the way.

What about you? 

What can you do to be a better friend today?