3 Keys to Living In Gratefulness

Living a life of gratefulness is key to living the best possible life ever. When you think about your life, does the word ‘grateful’ come to your mind?

Oftentimes, it may only happen when we are gathered at a table with a big fat turkey staring back at us. But, when we lose something or face difficulty, gratefulness comes back into perspective in our life. When we allow gratefulness to be part of our everyday life, however, we gain a greater perspective on what is truly important.

Personally, there are 5 things that I try to keep centered in my life to remember to be grateful. You can try these too.

  1. Say “Thank You” before your feet hit the floor.Before the java hits your lips, say ‘thank you’. There are so many things to be grateful for when your eyes open. Thankful for the breath in your lungs, the pillow under your head or the opportunity to make a difference in a new day. By making these the first two words out of your mouth, you will start your day with an attitude of gratefulness.
  2. Keep your eyes open to the little things.Each day we are surrounded by so many little things that are often taken for granted. That moment we have a conversation with someone that we didn’t plan and learn something that changes us or opens our mind to something new. Or, that moment when we look around at the job or house or family or friends that we have with new eyes. These moments have the power to increase gratefulness in our lives.
  3. Ask yourself one tough question every day.
    The question is simply this. “If I only had today what I thanked God for yesterday, what would I have?” Ouch! For some of us, that question hurts. We realize that our lack of gratefulness would cause us to live in a pretty sad and empty place. I recently shared this question at THE PLACE Church. Check out the video here:

Strive to live in gratefulness. It will truly have a profound impact on how you see yourself… others… and your life.

Let me hear from you. What are you grateful for this week?

Feel free to keep the conversation on my  Facebook page. 

With a Grateful Heart,



New Book in Publisher’s Hands

I am so glad to let the world know that after nearly a year of hard work, the new book is in the hands of the publishers. That’s right… book number 3 will be hot off the presses really soon.

Stay tuned because I will be unveiling the subject, cover and let you share your thoughts on this culturally controversial topic.

If you haven’t read the first two books yet, here are some links.

THE BEST: a life manifesto

Facebook Jesus: Using Facebook to Build and Grow a Church

Thank you all for your love, support and encouragement. Hit me up on Facebook!

Keep Shining Bright for Jesus!


Top Ten Things For Me to Do in 2014

So yeah… lose more weight, run marathons and spend less time in front of the boob tube are all great goals for 2014, but not for me. I am a driven guy and God’s been putting some stuff in my heart that is a little different than the average check off lists for the new year.

Here’s my top 10 things I want to do in 2014:

(written in no specific order)

1. Listen to more music. I still remember when I was a teenager and would just sit around and listen to music. I would discover new music and just enjoy listening to CD after CD. In 2014, I’m going to spend a lot more time just sitting back and listening to music.

2. Go outside more. Each evening I’ve been sitting outside. No real reason. No fire. No marshmallows. Nobody else even has to be around. I just want to spend more time outside this year. So… each night I sit outside and it feels great.

3. Kiss my wife more. It’s easily overlooked. With three kids and two dogs and a growing church and lots of things to steal away my attention, I can’t let this simple task go undone. My lips will touch hers more this year.

4. Pet my dog more. Just sit down and pet her. Not brush her or make her obey me… just pet her and let her know that I care about her.

5. Sleep outside without a tent. I’ve never done it, but I live in “Heaven on Earth” Arizona… so why not! This year I will be sleeping under the stars more. I can’t wait!

6. Write and read poetry. I used to write poetry and have gotten away from it. This year, I’m coming back to my roots. I’ve been reading some great classical poetry and can’t wait to dig in even more.

7. Draw. I’ve always said that I’m not real “artsy”, but those days are done. I will draw more. I have a sketch pad, a desire and an eraser. I’m looking forward to it.

8. Drink less coffee and more herbal tea. I’m a HUGE coffee fan, but it’s time for a change. I’ve been digging on some great teas and am finding my taste changing and actually preferring tea.

9. Run more. I love running, so I want to run because I love it, not because I have to. That’s the difference. I want to make time to let my feet hit the pavement and breathe in the amazing air and life that surrounds me.

10. Spend more time with Jesus. Whether it is listening to Him speak through the Holy Spirit or softly talking to him as I drive through the desert, I just want to be with my Lord and Savior more this year. I want to be conciously aware of His presence and invite Him into even my smallest encounters.

Well, that’s it. I have another ten too… but I’ll leave those for another day.

Right now I’m going to listen to a brand new Pandora station as I pet my poodle and drink some steaming hot peach tea on my back porch. Life is good!

What about you? What are you going to do more this year? Whatever it is, make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons. You only get one life… don’t waste it!